Pretty self-explanatory. If you have something you want to buy, sell or trade, contact Debbie Palmer to get it added to this page. Also, if you are looking for services, this is a good place to post what you are looking for.
Items will stay active until you notify admin to take it down.
6-24-2024 Looking for Used Pontoon
My old pontoon boat is kaput. I would like to buy a used one. My guy who has been keeping my old one on life support all these years says I should get one with a 4-stroke engine (not sure what that means) and I know I would like a shorter boat, maybe 18-20'. If anyone is considering selling theirs, or knows of someone, I would be interested in checking it out.
Connie Abels
6-24-2024 Looking for HandyPerson
My traveling raft was retrieved from across the lake (thank you, Linda Shorter). It appears that the anchor is awol/gone. I have no idea how to re-anchor my raft, so if anyone has a handyperson, I would gladly pay someone to assist me with this.
Connie Abels